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8 Types of Branded Video Content You Can Get for Your Business

Harness the power of video to grow your company's client base! Choose from these 8 essential types of video branded content for your business.

Branded video content is a rapidly growing industry, one that more and more corporations and big-name companies are taking advantage of. With the Internet getting more and more crowded all the time, it’s never been so important to stand out. You might be starting to see the benefits of creating video content for your company, but you’re not sure exactly what kind of video would be best. At Six Degrees, we’ve worked on all manner of videos for tons of industries, because there’s no one-size-fits-all process when it comes to creating the right video for a company.


With so many options to choose from, creating an idea for your next company video can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be! Check out Six Degrees’ breakdown of the eight major types of videos used for branded content. From here, you can figure out which format is right for you and your brand's needs.


1. Internal videos


Whether you’re a restaurant owner or an office supervisor, a big box store manager or an employee on the ground floor of a tech start-up company, videos for internal use are a valuable asset in helping to get an entire organization on the same page. Some of the most common videos we work on for internal use are:


●       Onboarding videos for training new staff

●       Videos for teaching new skills to current staff

●       Company briefing

●       Internal presentations for meetings and conferences


Your exact needs for an internal video may vary, but one thing remains the same: they’re one of the most invaluable tools for standardizing knowledge across your team. Video content has been shown to be more engaging than text and image-based information, and it's more likely to make a lasting impression on your staff. For ensuring clear communication, you can’t do better than an internal company video.


2. Marketing videos


Another often-seen application of branded video content is for external or marketing use. These videos come in all shapes and sizes, depending on the needs of the client. However, the marketing videos we see most often are:


●       Videos meant to drive sales to specific products/services

●       Rollout videos introducing new offerings

●       Recruitment videos to inspire new members to join your team


Marketing videos are so effective for the same reason that internally used videos are—they make an impact on the viewer. We’re much more likely to engage with and retain information we see in a video, so if you have something you’re really looking to communicate to your audience, a marketing video is one of the best ways to go.


3. Commercials for web or TV


Commercials are what come to mind for many people when they think of branded video content. Whether it’ll be aired on TV or before a YouTube video, there’s a reason that commercials have easily made the jump from cable to the web: they work!


If you want your story to reach the maximum audience, you should be catering to today’s biggest platforms. In recent years, we’ve seen amazing growth in companies focusing their marketing videos on social media and YouTube. Take advantage of these growing online spaces and get your message in front of a wider audience.


4. Product demonstrations


If you’re looking to market a specific product, a video can be a great way to show off its capabilities to a wide audience. Rather than dry text explanations that aren’t as likely to hold a reader’s attention, consider shooting a stylish and informative video that demonstrates what sets your latest product apart.


These days, text-based product information isn’t particularly likely to go viral and be shared millions of times, but a video just might. Demonstrating your product through the power of video is a great way to give people an accurate idea of what it can do, as well as allow you to reach a much wider audience.


5. Animated logos


Whether you’re just getting a new company off the ground, or you’re in the midst of a rebrand, an animated logo is a great way to add a sleek, stylish look to your brand image. Little touches like this go a long way when a prospective customer is forming their opinion of a brand. A quality graphic design and animation team will work with you to understand your company’s identity, and go on to build an outstanding animated logo that’s sure to make a strong impression.


6. Customer testimonials


A trustworthy testimonial is an invaluable way to help build trust with new customers, and nothing is more trustworthy than a firsthand account. By taking the time to sit down with a few satisfied clients, and having them deliver their testimonials to the camera, you’ll build an image of appreciation for your clientele. This helps potential customers trust your company, and is bound to drive traffic to your company.


7. Explanation/tutorial videos for products or platforms


Whether you’re a product-based company selling tools and accessories in your field, or a tech company creating platforms and software designed to make life easier, it’s crucial that your clients understand how to use what you have on offer. These days, video explanations are one of the top ways to educate and inform a user, so consider building up a catalogue of tutorial videos. Not only will this help clients continue to expand their knowledge of your products, but also it will also help drive traffic back to your company, particularly if you cover a breadth of topics in your industry.


8. Calls for support


If you’re a charitable organization, you understand how difficult it can be to inspire people to give. However, you can harness the power of video’s impact to tell stories and get people aware about your cause, building an empathy and understanding that can’t be replicated through more traditional mediums. There’s a reason that large charities like the SPCA are famous for their commercials: they’re informative, compassionate, and tug at the heartstrings. It's the perfect combo when it comes to gathering support. Take advantage of video’s ability to inspire, and see the difference it makes for your organization, and your cause.


Make your mark


Whatever your needs for branded video content are, it’s clear to see that there’s a format for everyone. Whether you’re looking to show off your latest and greatest product and service, refine your brand image, or simply build connections in your community and industry, video content is an invaluable tool and one that’s here to stay.


If you have more questions about branded video content, our production process and philosophy, or you’re ready to discuss your idea for your brand’s next video, drop a line to Six Degrees today!


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